Friday, August 23, 2013

Today's Pickings

There's nothing like a fresh apple right off the tree...crisp, crunchy, juicy, tart/ good.  We went to visit a few friends today and had the good fortune of enjoying good conversations with them and ending up with some goodies along the way...a basket full of apples we plucked from the trees (for drying, baking and maybe I'll try apple sauce), one of crab apples Johny collected from the tree (for jelly), a dozen eggs collected this morning by our friend Bobby, and 2 chanterelle (Johny found)...a great day...and I can't wait to try some new kitchen creations with those apples (I'm sure you'll be seeing a recipe or two).

The apples on the left are in a garden basket my friend Bertie (thanks Bertie) gave me when we were visiting is such a beautiful basket, I can't wait to fill it with some bounty from the garden!

Did you notice the little butterfly on the crab apple basket?  He landed there exactly when I started taking pictures...perfect a bow on top!

I find picking apples to be quite enjoyable...being amongst the fruit filled trees and sampling each type of apple to be sure you like it before picking...the slight resistance the apple stem gives before letting go...the burst of tang in your mouth with that first bite...  Have you ever been apple picking?  Do you enjoy it?

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. My fondest recollections of apple picking was when I was a youngster and we picked apples from my pepere's tree and other neighbors' trees without permission...we felt like little thieves and we would scramble often over a fence as fast as we could so we would not get caught! Hugs!

  2. Ha ha dad, you always were a rascal and still are! But there's nothing better than apples right off the tree! Hugs back:)

  3. What a wonderful bounty. You garden is really producing. I am going to have more kale and chard than I can handle for the fall and winter, but it'll be nice to have something fresh when the cold weather comes. I still have beets and carrots in the ground, and that's where I'll "store" then until finished. I just wish the tomatoes would ripen. There's not much time left for them before the warm weather ends. The rest of the garden is done for the year. Where did summer go? - Margy

  4. We are very happy with everything we are harvesting Margy! It does seem like summer has flown by, but I must admit I'm looking forward to fall!


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