Thursday, August 15, 2013

Through The Eyes Of A Child

Liam's self portrait...through his eyes...

When Liam came to visit us at the cabin in June, he took lots of pictures with his mom's camera. I was amazed at what he chose to capture...some things were the same type of pictures people take while on this view of the Smokies...
...and this incredible perspective of the sky just outside our cabin...
...and this picture of he and his mom (click here to read why her face is scratched up)...
...and his mom on the porch.

Some of his photos went beyond the "norm" and were really interesting, both from a viewers perspective but also when looking at them from Liam's eyes...

...this is a sign that you pass when heading down the mountain road near our cabin...this sign rings true for most people who will come back!...I found his perspective of it through the rolled down window a creative point of view...
...his feet with his moms...
...a pretty leaf laying in the road (I wonder what he was thinking when he saw this and decided to take a picture)...
...his foot...
...the rain...
...and this candle...

All of them fascinating and quite beautiful...talented little guy, I hope you've enjoyed them. 

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. There all great...but my favorites are rain and mom on porch. Hugs!

  2. I like the one of the rain too! Hugs back dad:)


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