Friday, August 30, 2013

This, That & I've Made It!

This morning I came across this inchworm making it's way along our porch was fascinating to watch and reminded me of when my girls were young, the Inchworm song and their inchworm toys.  This little guy just kept moving along...
...seemingly without intent...
...going back and forth...
...but getting no where at the same time...
...I thought of the words of the song...
"Measuring the marigolds
Seems to me you'd stop and see
How beautiful they are"

The inchworm's progress stuck in the back of my mind all day long...

...while we installed a little shelf above our kitchen window so I could put all the jams and jelly's I've made...
...while I dried some banana... beans and squash...a slow slow process but in the end worth the time it takes...I hope so anyway, I haven't made them before.

But mostly I thought about it because today is the last day I'll be 51.  For those of you who have known me for a long time, you'll know that turning 51 was a big deal for me because my mom died unexpectedly when she was 51 and I was illogically apprehensive of the year ahead of can read last year's birthday post here...afraid I'd follow in her footsteps.  I'm surprised by how emotional I am as I write is relief?...sadness for my mom?...I'm sure some of both.  Despite my tears, here I stand, alive, strong, healthy, trying to live every day stopping to see all that is beautiful and writing it all in this blog.  My mom was part of my inspiration for living this log cabin life...I know she knows my life is good...and I am proud to say I believe I've progressed better than that inchworm!   

With that said, Johny and I are going to the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest tomorrow to hike and picnic for the day...beginning my 52nd year under the canopy of an untouched forest where the trees are over 100 feet tall and measure 15 to 20 feet in circumference...celebrating that I'VE MADE IT (will confirm that tomorrow, LOL!).  

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. How appropriate that you should go to the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest for your birthday. As you know, Joyce Kilmer's poem, Trees, is one of my favorites and touches me to the core. It was a beautiful tribute to Marc when we used it at his oak tree planting memorial commemoration at the Harvest House last year. I will be thinking of you and your 52nd birthday all day and of Marc and his beautiful oak tree. Hugs!

  2. Thanks dad. I know it's your favorite poem, and that we read it at Marc's memorial...the forest was the perfect place for me to be on this particular birthday! 52, here I come! Hugs back


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