Sunday, August 25, 2013

Linens On The Line

I love crawling into bed when the sheets have been freshly washed and hung on the line to dry...they feel so crisp and smell so clean...and today was the perfect day for it! 

We woke to no fog...the first morning in many...if folklore about fog in August is correct, which says the number of fogs in August will determine the number of heavy snows in the winter, we are in for a tough winter, but I digress... I cheerily...yes cheerily, that's how much I love fresh linens off the line...stripped our bed and hung the sheets and pillow cases out as early as I could, taking full advantage of what was sure to be a gorgeous day.

And gorgeous it has been!  Breeze blowing, low humidity, temp in the sun not getting over 75...perfect!  Feels like fall...looks a little like it too...
...some leaves are already turning and falling, and it's only August!  Maybe the fog folklore will prove to be true...though we may be in the minority when it comes to this...we hope we get lots of snow!  We love winter and snow and the accompanying fires it requires.  Last night, we had a nice fire in our fire pit, a great way to end the day and welcome this little cool front we got.

Are you looking forward to fall?  What about winter?

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Oh I'm like you, I love hanging clothes on the line, especially bed sheets. This is perfect weather to hang out quilts too. I've got several to wash and dry. I love Fall so much.hugs, xo

  2. A real loss...I can't remember the last time I felt those sheets that were dried in the sun and brushed by the wind...I envy you! As for me, fall and winter is ok as long as the temperature does not fall below 80 degrees. Hugs!

  3. Fall makes me sad, always has ... to me, it's the end of my favorite season, the dying of so many things, less daylight and knowing it's soon damp and cold. But I do love a roaring fire in the fireplace while snow falls outside so lets just say I'm odd! LOL!! Judi

  4. I agree Susie, I wish my washer was big enough to handle the quilts! I hang them out, but have to bring them to the river house for washing.

    I know dad, 80 is your threshold! That temp makes me sweat, lol! Hugs back:)

    I know a lot of people feel the same way you do Judi. For me, this time of year makes me happy, and I actually enjoy going back to standard time! I don't think you are the odd one, lol!

  5. When I lived in a house, I had a washer but no dryer. I didn't love doing all the hanging, but you are right, the smell of fresh linens is something special. - Margy


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