Monday, August 19, 2013

Home Sweet Home

I'm back at the cabin after a long was mostly uneventful except for NC greeting me with a couple heavy rain showers interrupting a light drizzle for most of this leg of the trip.  I'm glad that's the only rain I encountered, a 10 hour trip in the rain is no fun. 

As I was getting ready to pull away from the river early this morning, I saw the almost full moon (Tuesday 8/20 is a Blue Moon)...when I took a picture, my camera lens fogged up, and this is what I ended up with...I like it!  The shadow in the top center is moss hanging from a tree, and the bottom left corner is a tree.

As I drove toward the cabin, I kept thinking that it looked like some of the leaves were changing along the highway.  Sure enough, when I got home, our trees are beginning to show colors of fall!  It feels like fall too, it's rainy, cool and doesn't feel anything like summer, especially compared to the heat at the river house!   

It's good to be home sweet home...time to relax and visit with Mountain Man, Pogo & Fluffy!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Sounds like Life is good at your house!

  2. Glad you had a safe trip and a beautiful start. Hugs!

  3. Can't complain Patti!!!

    It was great dad, seeing you made it that much more special. Hugs back!


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