Wednesday, August 28, 2013


You may have received this published post before I was ready, sometimes that happens...please read this updated version...

There is nothing more important than being thankful for what life brings to you...appreciation for all that is good results in more good...gratitude multiplies!
Today, as every day, I have many things to be grateful for.  I had errands to run, and happened upon a couple things that got me to thinking...

...the flowers above were growing along the roadside...they were a bright and beautiful display of summer and everything that comes with it...

...I also spotted this Badger in the parking lot of one of my stops...he was scrounging for nibbles I suppose... made me grateful that I don't have to scrounge for anything.  The more I thought about things, the more I realized how fortunate I truly am...

~I'm grateful for Johny, my husband and Mountain Man, who provides for us...

~I'm grateful for my siblings...we all still mourn our brother Marc, but we are closer as a result of his passing...

~I'm grateful for my daughters...whom have grown into incredible women who make me proud and filled with joy, they are beautiful young women...

~I'm grateful for my grandson...he makes me laugh and love without reserve and he is a light in my life...

~I'm grateful for my good friends...I can confide the most intimate and/or ridiculous things and they love me just the same...

~I'm grateful for my life here at the cabin...surrounded by woods, the creek, the mountains, the change of seasons...I can't imagine anything else...

~I'm grateful for our place on the river...can there be anything better than to enjoy such a diversity of living environments?...

~I'm grateful for you, my friends through blogging, for your comments, your support, your enthusiasm, and your own bring joy to my days...

~I'm grateful for my dad...he's been mother and father for over 26 years, and has been superb at it! He's a special person and has a special partner in Donald, whom I'm grateful for as well.  Today is dad's birthday...Happy Birthday Dad!  I love you more than words can say!

Visit ABCWednesday for more posts on the letter G.  Many thanks to the founder, Mrs. Denise Nesbitt, and to Roger for taking the helm.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Wonderful post! So good to be grateful! Thanks for the reminder...

  2. We all should write such a post every day, about gratitude.
    It is a beautiful post. Thank you.
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  3. You certainly have a lot to be thankful for. I really enjoy seeing flowers growing on their own-natures bounty. Cabin life seems like it would be so wonderful.

  4. That is such a wonderful grateful list. Like you I have so many things to be grateful for. Happy Birthday to your dad. Hugs,xo

  5. I also wanted to add that I'm so grateful to have such wonderful blogging friends like you.:)

  6. Gratitude is what it's all about.
    Being thankful for the everyday things of life. Its the glue that holds me together.

  7. How blessed we all are and your blogs make us aware of that. Thank you for your beautiful writings and thoughts. Love you. Hugs!

  8. Thank you everyone for your kind words!

    Love you dad, hugs back!

  9. A badger! I had no idea there were badgers around here. I'd be grateful for seeing one!

  10. family is the best! Happy birthday to your dad.

  11. And we are GRATEFUL for your participation!


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