Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Drivin' M'self

This is my grandson Liam's 5th birthday weekend, so I drove away from the cabin (me, myself and I) this morning...destination, river home.  Yes, I was driving alone, which I've discovered is a delightful way to travel if one must...I can detour as I choose (specifically for a potty break)...and decide on what news and then music station I want to listen to, eventually tapping my feet, bobbing my head and letting my fingers dance in the air as I put the petal to the metal (figure of speech).  This is how my day developed...

I left the cabin in the early dark of the morning, driving down the our dirt mountain road... drizzled in the early morning hours.
 Dawn was foggy...
 ...but if I were to divide the trip in two, the second half was full of daylight.

I encountered delicate grasses in some rest areas...
 ...a delightful dolphin in another...
 ...and a dazzling carpet of yellow flowers in yet another.

Once closer to our river dwelling, the docks dotted the scenery...
 ...and soon I arrived at my destination.

It's a long distance for solitary travel, but I am not distressed.  The soothing downbeat rhythm of the lapping waves gives me a comforting diversion.

Visit ABCWednesday for more posts on the letter D.  Many thanks to the founder, Mrs. Denise Nesbitt, and to Roger for taking the helm.  And congratulations on the lucky 13th round!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Really love the Diversions of the long Drive.
    Sometimes being your own boss is therapy in its self.

  2. I you drive alone you can also stop at any of those little antique shops you want and not worry about if anyone is in a hurry.

  3. What a delighfull trip for you and Happy Birthday to your grandson. Hope you enjoy every minute of it. Hugs, xo

  4. Not a bad day trip!

    My son and family are in Navarre fl all week!

    Enjoy your visit !!

  5. Thank you Lise, for the wonderful trip! Great post. Happy birthday to your grandson. I wish you many more to come.
    Wil, ABCW team

  6. There's a great Joan Armatrading song called Me, Myself, I - recommended.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  7. I always enjoy windshield time alone doing just as you if I know where I'm going ~ When entering unknown territory, I like to have a little company ~ Enjoy yourself on Liam's Birthday weekend! Judi

  8. Sounds like a great drive...see you Friday night. Hugs!

  9. Thanks photowannabe, I definitely find driving by myself to be a lovely experience!

    Ann, it's funny, I don't really want to stop, I want to get to my destination...potty breaks are about all the stopping I do! I'll do the antique and thrift stops once I've arrived.

    Thanks Susie, I have no doubt it will be fabulous!

    Thanks Patti...when you come to visit your son, maybe we can connect (if I'm here)...just be sure you don't come in the summer, it's really hot here!

    Thanks Reader Wil, I plan on many more!

    Thanks Rog, you know I love it!!!

    Judi, this actually isn't unknown territory for me, I could make this drive in my sleep!

    Looking forward to seeing you dad, hugs back!

  10. My kind of drive, although it's nice to have one friend who knows when to talk and when to "shut up", er I mean "be quiet." lol Hope you had a great weekend.

    abcw team

  11. I'm glad you're having a good trip : ) I enjoyed all the recent posts-looks like lots of fun!


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