Thursday, August 8, 2013

Delta IV Rocket Launch

One of the advantages of having our place on the river is having the opportunity to watch the Kennedy Space Center launch huge machines into the skies...these days it's rockets but it was amazing to watch the shuttles go up, not that watching rockets isn't awesome but the shuttles had people in them!...

Last night, while I was reading, I heard the rumble that has now become easily recognizable to me...I ran outside in my jammies and slippers to see what I could see (I'm sure quite a hilarious sight for anyone passing by)...and I saw the moon reflecting off the rocket's squiggly smoke trail (always a unique pattern)...
...they are a bit blurry because it was 8:40pm so there wasn't much light for the photos...if you look in the upper section of this photo, you can see a little dot, that's the power booster falling from the rocket...

The rocket is a U.S. Air Force satellite carrying a military communications satellite that was launched in partnership with Australia, click here for more information.

Here are a couple more pictures of the smoke trail...

...but click on this youtube link to watch the launch...I wish I had known about the launch in advance, it is really an amazing sight!

Have you ever watched a rocket or shuttle launch?

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f''s, see you tomorrow,


  1. There just aren't sights like that in Mid-Missouri!!!

    Lucky you, more ways then one!


  2. Life is good Patti, no doubt about that! Hope you are well:)

  3. Yes...we did watch a launch together as a was the Russian/American joint rocket launch...don't remember the date. Hugs!

  4. How interesting to be so close and get to see these launches! We did see a shuttle launch once. We were at Epcot Center and they launched one of the few night launches they ever did all those miles away...there we were standing next to the huge Epcot ball with it's colored lights and "beside" it rose the shuttle into the sky. It was amazing!

  5. I don't remember that dad, I wonder if I was there...hugs back!

    Marie, I think everyone should watch a launch at least once, it is such a powerful experience!


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