Monday, August 12, 2013

4 Generations & Making Every Moment Count

Yes, it's true, I haven't posted for two days...I decided it was more important to spend every possible moment with Liam and my family and I could get back to posting once the festivities were over...I've been enjoying every second of this weekend, Liam's birthday was great for him and everyone who shared in the day.  I've also had the treat of spending time with both my daughters...more to come about all that.  Today, Liam and I are spending the day together...he had the choice of going to school and on a field trip to a local water play area, or stay with me...I think he made a great choice, because he's staying with me:) 

I was so happy that my dad was able to come to Liam's party (he lives 3 hours away on the other side of the state).  This is a photo of the 4 dad, Liam, Jessi and me...good times!

Time to start my play day with Liam...I'll share about all the festivities once I'm back at the river.  Making every moment count!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Look of those handsome men surrounded by the beautiful women! Hugs!

  2. Enjoy every moment of it. They grow to fast. Hugs, xo

  3. Sweet sharing time indeed...memories you will all always treasure!

  4. So very special ... have fun with Liam making memories, definitely time better spent with him than on the computer :) Judi

  5. Thank you ladies, it truly was a special weekend!


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