Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Yow! 2.5 Inches of Rain in 24!

According to our rain gauge, we've had over 2.5 inches of rain in the past 24 hours...this is consistent with the site.  We did get a nice reprieve yesterday afternoon as I mentioned in my post, but since late last night, we've had ongoing rain.  My least favorite part of that is I had to go into town...there is nothing like getting in and out of the car when the rain is pouring down and you have to maneuver your umbrella to try to keep yourself and the inside of your car dry!  I don't mean to whine, but I do have to say YUCK!

This is the waterfall that is on the road heading to our cabin, it shows how much water is flowing...
...especially if you compare it to this post from June 23rd last year.  It's quite a site, isn't it?

And this is our creek, not behind the cabin, but just across from the waterfall is swollen at least 3x it's usual breadth!  I haven't made it to our creek, I actually don't dare, it could be dangerous, I'm not kidding you!

We are supposed to have some friends come by this evening, I sure hope they can make it.  They aren't coming from far, but it may feel like they are having to wage the waters!

Visit ABCWednesday for more blogs highlighting the letter Y.  Many thanks to the founder, Mrs. Denise Nesbitt, and to Roger for taking the helm.

Thanks for reading  my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's (that would be friends/family/readers/subscribers/followers to those who are new to my blog), see you tomorrow,
Lise (pronounced like lease)


  1. WOW that's a lot of rain. I do hope your friends sale isn't this weekend.

    Have a safe 4th, my friend!

  2. Yow is right! We couldn't get our lawn mowed because of all the rain so it ended up being 2 weeks of growth. I was starting to think we might need a scythe! lol

    abcw team

  3. We too have had extraordinary amounts of rain, June being the most since they began recording data! That is some rushing water too and you are right to stay away! Thanks for the f/f/r/s/fs clarification :) Hope your friends make it over ...

  4. Oh I feel for you. We are in the same boat, no pun intended. We've had two and a half inches since ten this morning and our creek is really high. It sits just behind the house. Having to keep an eye on it.. I had to go into town today too. It was no fun for sure. Hope you enjoy the holiday in spite of the rain. Hugs,Susie

  5. It rained every day for at least 9 days, and I have a push mower. Finally got it done Tuesday evening. Now it's HOT. Local flooding in neighboring counties.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  6. All that rain does make for a beautiful waterfall. A little over a month ago we had major flooding here in Western Arkansas when we had 9 inches of rain in one evening.
    An Arkies Musings

  7. Thanks for your comments everyone, it sounds like everyone everywhere is getting lots of rain...I should be grateful we've not reached 9 inches!

  8. Thanks for the memory...the original image is burned in my memory! I also like this scene with a more "active" waterfall. Can't wait to see how the back yard creek is doing. Hugs!

  9. Dad, it doesn't seem like a year since you've been here...the creek is wide, but I had a hard time getting good pics because it's so wet down there...I'll keep trying. Hugs to you and Donald!!!

  10. That's a lot of water all at once. We are in a warm spell that is supposed to last for the next 14 days according to the weather forecast. We are heading back up to the cabin tomorrow, so I am looking forward to my first swim of the year. - Margy

  11. And it's still raining Margy...I hope it lets up soon! I'd like to see a little sun:) Enjoy your first swim!


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