Sunday, July 28, 2013

Today's Harvest

It is an absolutely gorgeous's a little cloudy but the humidity is down to 69% and it's 77 degrees in the sun!  Ahhh, love mountain living!

I'm happy to say the garden is still producing nicely, in spite of all the rain...I'm very pleased with all our corn, especially after those heavy winds knocked them down.  I love the look of young, strong corn...the way the soft, shiny silk drapes over the small developing ear...this variety is especially pretty with the red!

We harvested more goodies today...beans and potatoes and squash...
...this is what's underneath all those potatoes and beans...
...the two round ones on the left look to be acorn squash, they were the surprises I told you about a couple weeks ago.  The oblong one in the center is also a surprise, but I have no idea what it is.  I also discovered a tiny butternut looking squash that is growing...using home made compost has many advantages!

I'll close with a few interesting photos...

We are seeing a lot more of the hummingbirds these days...I'm wondering if this one is young because it's chest is not solid white... 

I captured this pollen covered bee flying into this Rose of Sharon bloom...I thought it was interesting...

Sadly, the Pipevine Swallowtail chrysalis I told you about yesterday has not survived...this morning I went to go check on it and it was gone!  Completely gone!  This tells me it was eaten, probably last night by a bat.  C'est la vie!

How's your day been?

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Terrific pictures, Lise! Love that red corn silk!

  2. Thanks for your great comments...had a great day also! Hugs!

  3. Thank you Vicki, coming from you that is quite the compliment...your photos (as well as your novels) are amazing!

    Thanks dad, hugs back to you!

  4. You are having a great harvest. Thanks to the mice on the float, I didn't get one strawberry this year. But it has been a bumper crop of lettuce and spinach. My chard and kale are just coming in. They should last through the winter. I will pull my potatoes a little later when the plants die back. We don't eat many. - Margy


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