Monday, July 22, 2013

Smoky Morning

There's a reason the Great Smoky Mountains are called such...there is a natural fog which is caused by all the vegetation releasing organic compounds into the atmosphere and creating vapors that frequently covers the mountains...thus the smoky look.  We've had so much rain this year that plant growth is rapid, so we can expect the mountains to live up to their name on a daily basis. This morning's view looked like a postcard of the Smokies!
We love our mountain cabin and are reminded of how very special it is each time we have a guest visiting.  Our friend Wayne, who is visiting right now for a few days, walks around in wonder at all he sees.  It is refreshing to see our space through new eyes!

It's also nice to share some of our regular daily tasks and today Wayne was helping Johny prepare more wood for winter...Johny chopped...
...Wayne collected...
 ...and stacked it.  It's great to have a helping hand!

Wayne gave us a thank you gift of this lovely tile mural that we all agreed looked like Tuscany.  But after looking at it again, it also reminds me of the French countryside and it conjures up wonderful memories of our time spent in Europe.  Know what else I love about it?  It's tile, and it can be hung here at the cabin and not be affected by all the humidity we have here, LOL!  Maybe I should be giving him a gift for all his labors today!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. You do live in a beautiful place on top of that mountain. I'm much lower than you but there's no place like the mountains.. Hope your friend enjoys himself . hugs, xo

  2. Sounds like you all had a great visit with Wayne and the tile is awesome. Hugs!

  3. Thanks Susie, I have to agree!

    It has been great so far, hugs back dad!


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