Sunday, July 7, 2013

Small Mudslide & Treasures

Promises, promises...I know I told you I'd share all about my auction experience in today's post, but I am pooped, totally pooped.  I never realized how much work helping with an auction would be!  I didn't get home until way past my bedtime last night and was back again today to help with clean up.  So you'll have to wait until tomorrow for thoughts about it, but I have to say, I really enjoyed it!

On my way down the mountain, I saw our very own mudslide...I have to admit that I'm relieved that we live far enough up the mountain that I don't feel threatened by rain soaked ground, but one never knows...this was down near the bottom of the mountain...

I do want to share my 2 treasures from the action...this is a hand turned and carved mortar and pestle, which I got for $12.50...I think that's a deal...but more importantly, the handle of my granite one broke and this is my very first auction purchase!

Then I got this little statue that reminds me of my grandson Liam for $7...nothing I needed...
 ...but it matches this one that Bertie gave to me a long time ago (tee hee, looks like Johny 'n me)
I didn't get everything I wanted there, but I suppose that's the way the ball bounces!  More tomorrow, really!  For now, I'm off to relax a little and make dinner. 

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Dang, I will just have to wait a little while longer to hear all about it. But I'm pretty sure, you're addicted by now!!

  2. Oh I love your treasures. I love going to Auctions and Flea Markets, yard sales, etc. One never knows what they might find. Your mountain is the best and probably safest place to be with all this rain. We've already got 4 and a half inches with more on the way. You take care, Hugs, Susie

  3. Sounds like a great experience. Hugs!

  4. Patti, I really did enjoy myself, it was such an experience and you are right, I'll be back!

    Susie, I did enjoy it. I agree, we are pretty safe up here, and we actually saw the sun earlier today!

    It was great fun dad, I did enjoy it! Hugs back!


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