Friday, July 19, 2013

Little Bits

It's been a busy day, having gone into town to prepare for Johny's return tomorrow (looking forward to seeing him again...while relishing every moment to myself that I have left) here are little bits of my day....

This yellow daylily bloomed today, I particularly like the shadows of the stamen...

Our first costata romanesca squash!  I cut it in half lengthwise and then halved those pieces, put salt, pepper and a little walnut olive oil, roasted it in a 425 degree oven for about 30 minutes, and ate it with some wild rice...a perfect vegetarian meal for one (well, I only ate 1/4 of the squash, but leftovers are awesome!).

This frog was in the bushes when I went to check on the wren scared me as it leaped out of my way...the nest was untouched with the unhatched egg still in it, the frog hopped under the stairs, and as for me, my heart was beating a little quickly for a bit...

Our first gooseberry...I'll wait for Johny to return to enjoy...we'll cut it in half and share (only kidding, he'll tell me to eat it, but there are a couple more that are ripe:)).

The view this afternoon...serene, only partially cloudy, little breeze...what more can a girl ask for???

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. The little frog is adorable ~ a few have scared me a time or two :) ~ I guess that last egg just wasn't meant to be ~ several years ago in the Fall when cleaning out one of our bird houses, we found not only an egg, but the skeleton of a little guy, sad, but I guess this is nature ... The fruits of your garden are looking tasty!! Judi

  2. Great photos...enjoy the next 24 hours! Hugs!

  3. Thanks Judi, it is true that nature is nature!

    Thanks dad, hugs back!


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