Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth of July!

Today we celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence and our resulting freedom...I can't imagine not living in this sweet land of liberty (though it may not be perfect)...I am grateful that the pilgrims' proudly fought to gain our independence.  May we strive for freedom and equality for each and every one of us with the same conviction as our founding fathers did. 

I'll close with James Taylor singing America the Beautiful (click on the link to listen/watch).  May your day be filled with family, friends and the joy that freedom brings.  

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. I can't and don't want to imagine living any where other than "The land of the free ..." Indeed we are not perfect and have flaws, but my wish is that we continue to strive to always improve! Enjoy this day!

  2. Happy Independence Day to you, too. We took the boat out and saw all the preparations at the marina park for the fireworks tonight. Should be a good show, but we are going to have a quiet (except for the local kids with fireworks) evening. - Margy

  3. Happy 4th of July from Thailand While I am an America and love it and all it stands for , and pay respect and love for all those who keep it free , there are other places to live that are peaceful and freedom is treasured too. Thailand means "Land of the Free", and they try their best .
    We do miss our family and friends and come back for a visit from time to time , But, we do love it here .

  4. Thanks for the beautiful reminder! Hugs!

  5. I agree Judi, I hope you enjoyed your day!

    I hope you enjoyed your fireworks Margy, we were rained out here (though we wouldn't have gone all the way into town for them anyway, LOL).

    Great to "see" you again Malcolm! I love what Thailand means, how wonderful. I'm glad you enjoy your life there, your blog does reflect it's beauty in every way!

    Hugs back dad, hope you guys had a good day!


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