Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Chimes, Chimes and More Chimes!

I love chimes.  The sound they make resonates deep within me and fills me with serenity.  I have chimes hanging everywhere, all shapes, sizes, tones and styles.  I love when the wind gently rocks some of them around (which ones chime depends on the wind direction)...I also love when the wind is howling and no matter where I am in or around the cabin, I can hear the chimes harmonizing!

My favorite chimes are the ones with deep tones...the tubes of this chime are 3" in diameter and 4' long (it's so big I can't get a picture from top to bottom)...
...and it sounds like this (I had to push it to generate the sounds because we have no breeze accompanying the rain today)...if you receive this blog by email, you may need to click on the post title to be able to see the videos...

This one is not quite as deep sounding but it chimes in a low key (I won't make a video for each one, just a few for your listening pleasure...that is if you like chimes)...

My daughter Jessica gave me this one...when I look at the elephants think of her and smile...elephants never forget
It has a much lighter sound and usually only a few of the chimes ring at the same time because it hangs under the eaves and near the cabin wall...

This is a glass chime and it sits at the corner of the cabin between the logs that jut only chimes when the wind is from the south or west...with a very light and gentle tune.

This one chimes in the mid range...the blue color is a little sparkly when light hits it.

This is more of a mobile than a chime, but it does give gentle tones when the wind hits it right and I like the way the balls glisten when the sun hits them...

This has a nice harmonious melody...

...and these mostly add color but chant lightly with the wind.

This is another deep gong, it's so heavy it only chimes with strong wind from the south or east...

This one chimes frequently but it also sticks together when it gets wet, and then it just swings around...

I even have chimes inside!  They gently sing with the ceiling fans whirring...

Some people don't like chimes...something I really don't understand, but hey, that's what makes the world an interesting place!  Do you like chimes?

Today, ABCWednesday is highlighting the letter C, perfect for a chime lover!  Visit the site for more posts and many thanks to the founder, Mrs. Denise Nesbitt, and to Roger for taking the helm.  And congratulations on the lucky 13th round!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. I love chimes too and I have some that were included in this post. Love seeing all the different ones. Carver, ABC wed. Team

  2. You are right chimes are wonderful. The coloured ones made of glass are very pretty, Did you make these chimes yourself? The only times that I don't like chimes is when I want to listen to a cd.
    Well enjoy your chime music,Lise!
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  3. Great choice for 'C'
    I love chimes!
    Lea's Menagerie

  4. Chimes do have their own charm, especially when the tone is sweet.

  5. I enjoy the deep sounding tones the best, chimes make me feel good too. You really have quite a few pretty ones.

  6. I absolutely love chimes. Thank you for all of your entries here and the different levels of sound. Glorious!

  7. Let me chime in here and say what beautiful instruments they are.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  8. What a pretty collection of chimes Lise! I love the colored glass ones!

  9. I love chimes...Donald does not! Your chimes with the deep tones remind me of cathedral organ sounds! Peaceful. Hugs!

  10. Thank you everyone, I do enjoy chimes...and this is only my collection at the cabin, I have as many at the river house too!

    I know dad, too bad Donald doesn't like them...I'll enjoy them for both of us! Hugs back!

  11. Oh my Lise I don't think I know anyone who has that many chimes, it must sound wonderful hearing bits of each one on a breezy day ~ I like the glass chimes and even though they are a bit protected I am surprised they don't break!! Thanks for sharing your "sounds" around the cabin :) Judi

  12. Sounds like most people like chimes, but I haven't been too fond of them as I prefer the peace and quiet of silence or just the wind through the trees. However, that said, these are beautiful, especially the coloured glass ones!

    abcw team

  13. Thanks Judi, they are chiming gently today!

    Leslie, you are not alone in that sentiment! But I do love them.


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