Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Walk Through The Woods

Today we took Wayne for a hike through the wilderness that surrounds us.  Here are a few of the beautiful things we came across....

One of our creeks...less of a gushing stream since the last time I went down there, but still melodious, flowing cascades!

A lovely Bellflower...

The delicate Indian Pipe...I love how this small flower brings a bright spot to the soggy leaved floor of the woods.

We found and collected many of the same types of edible mushrooms I've shared with you before, but these photos are of those we left behind, either because they are not edible, we don't know anything about them, or they are highly poisonous like this Amanita....
 ...this is after it has opened...
...these are interesting little fungi...
 ...a good rule of thumb for wild mushrooms is if they are red, don't eat them...I thought this one was interesting and only after uploading the picture did I see the small brown growth next to it...
 ...an interesting veiled mushroom...
 ...I thought these were neat looking....
 ...and then there was this, we have no idea what it is yet...still researching.

We then went to one of our favorite places to walk and hike, and I saw this amazing display of the adaptability of nature...

Now that we have returned to the cabin, Johny and Wayne are building a small end table to go next to my swing (Wayne had put his cooler next to the swing and we all realized how convenient it was to have a place to put drinks).  Pictures about that tomorrow!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. A new table, that sounds productive! We saw those ice pipes several years ago when we were in your neck of the woods.

    Looks like another beautiful evening at your house.

  2. What a lovely walk Lise! We haven't been able to get out and walk with all this crazy rain we're getting here in Florida right now.It's been raining every day!

  3. Loved the hike through the countryside...can't wait to see the table. Hugs!

  4. Thanks Patti, we really are fortunate!

    Hi Mamabug, I'm happy to say the rain has slowed a bit here at our place, though it rains somewhere around us every day.

    Thanks dad, we enjoyed it too. Hugs back!


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