Monday, July 1, 2013

A Day With The Girls

I spent today going to Asheville with my friends Bertie, her daughter Robin and Andrea.  Our first stop was at Cracker Barrel for some breakfast...
...Bertie was very proud of her table decoration:)

Our mission was to get supplies in preparation for Bertie and her husband Ron's auction this Saturday.  You see, they will be moving back to Ohio where their family lives, and are beginning the process of sorting through 16 years of their lives here to get ready for the move.  We had a great day together and accomplished what we needed to today (if it were up to Bertie we'd still be shopping, LOL), but I have to say it got me to thinking about how much I will miss my friend when she moves...she makes me laugh a lot and laughing is good.   

On a separate subject, last night we were getting ready to grill, and I opened the right grill cover (I usually use this part of the grill that is for charcoal as a table, the other side is the gas side).  And much to my surprise, there was a nest in there...
...with a mama-to-be mouse making it her home.
I watched her as she ran from her home to keep herself safe, but it was clear to me that she is definitely a pregnant little mama.  After we finished grilling and cooled everything off, we put the cover back on the grill with the hopes that she will return.  We are "live and let live" kind of people, so we will let her have her way with our grill until she and her little ones move on.  That is, we are anticipating she did return after things got back to "normal" but we haven't checked today, we just want to let her be.  I'll have to check on her in a couple days...more to come if there is more to tell!

PS...some of you received this before I was finished drafting it because I pushed the publish button by accident...I guess all the shopping has my brain mushy!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Sounds like you had a very enjoyable visit with your friends. The nest would have scared me to death. I dislike mice so much. Happy Fourth. hugs, Susie

  2. It was a great day:) I think we scared the mouse more than she us...she hasn't returned as of yet. Happy 4th and hugs to you too:)

  3. I love nature and all that little goings on that we don't normally get an opportunity to see!! Don't let distance come between your friendship ...

  4. Distance could never come between us Judi! But thanks for that important reminder:)

  5. Good fun and good job of helping to "mother" the anticipated mice. Hugs!

  6. You are very tolerant. I think it's sweet as well, but I can't help but wonder if they will all end up in your house. We had a terrible mouse problem in Texas, and just couldn't get on top of it! The bad memories would make me a bit wary. Still, I love the miracles of nature, and coming across a nest of any kind is always sweet.

  7. Unfortunately dad, we scared her away. She has yet to return, so I'm sure she found a place she felt safer, which is a good thing because I want to grill ribs today!

    I understand wariness of mice Marie, but I figure they have to live somewhere!

  8. We use our BBQ every night we are at the cabin, but I guess a mouse could take up residence when we are gone. None have, but a squirrel used to go inside I guess to nibble the drippings. One day Wayne was on the chaise next to the BBQ and the squirrel jumped out right on his head. Now that was a surprise in reverse. - Margy

  9. Oh my Margy, I hope he didn't get hurt! Squirrel's have strong little feet and claws!


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