Sunday, June 9, 2013

This Weekend

Those of you who read my blog every day probably noticed I didn't publish anything yesterday...we've been going nonstop since Liam's graduation Friday night, and it wasn't until I was tucking him in late last night when I realized it.  It's been a really great weekend, celebrating our little pre-K graduate...'s some of the highlights...

He was so excited getting ready for the ceremony and he thought his tassel was awesome!

It was cute to watch little ones singing and dancing to entertain us...
...and to watch them proudly walk to receive their diplomas. 
 Liam was very proud of himself!

Jessi had an outside water play party for Liam to celebrate his big day.   A water slide...(Liam is pointing to the pool he wants to fill)...
 ...Liam gets distracted by a snail as they clean and fill the pool.

Water balloons were the hit of the day, he couldn't get enough of them, continuing to play even after everyone was gone!  Squish...

Liam was bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning...
 ...and ready for more water balloons...
 ...and pool play...

I've been enjoying every minute of my time here and making every moment count.  As I said on Friday, time flies.  Our little man is growing up!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Oh I don't blame you. I tell everyone to enjoy them while they can.. Your little man is so handsome in his cap and gown. I know you are so proud of him..Hugs, xo

  2. Yes I missed you! But I can see why you are so busy!

    Liam's last picture is so adorable!!!

    Have fun!

  3. Oh, how sweet! Every picture a gem! I do love that very excited shot (the second one) with his tassel....just adorable! What a priceless time, shared by loved ones, and captured in pictures. So special.

  4. Love the photo of my g-g-s in his blue plaid shirt! Hugs!

  5. Thanks Susie, proud doesn't seem to capture the feeling well enough, LOL, but yes indeed, I am proud!

    Thanks Patti! Living in the moment is a good thing to do, even if I do miss a post now and again.

    I agree Marie, there's nothing like it.

    He's a cutie dad, hugs back!

  6. He is so adorable : )I'm so glad you got to spend time with them all!

  7. Thanks Tipper, it was really good times, and there's more to come!


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