Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Road Trip!

Tomorrow I am waking up with the stars (which I prefer...somehow driving at night seems to make the time pass faster for me once the sun rises) and am heading south to our river place, and then eventually further south for my grandson Liam's Pre K (pre kindergarten) graduation.  It's hard to believe he will be heading to big boy school in August...how time flies!  I'm so proud of him, and of course you will be hearing all about it!  When I return, I'll be bringing my daughter Jessi and Liam back with me for a visit here at our cabin...I am really looking forward that!  So...today's been filled with taking care of a few odds & ends and packing while Johny went into town to get himself some provisions (which consists of foods I don't like to eat like canned chili and peas) .      

While walking to the garden, I came across this beautiful Spiderwort...

Funny thing happened while taking that Spiderwort picture...I had a few pole bean seeds soaking in a glass bowl so I could plant them into a few spaces where nothing came up, and while maneuvering the bowl to take the picture, I looked down...
...ha ha ha, made me laugh out loud!  I wasn't in a hurry, but just wasn't paying attention...one of each work shoe (yes, I know, there's a hole in one, that seems to happen to most of my shoes!). 

This interesting Tulip-Tree Moth has taken residence on the wall of our cabin, it's quite large as moths go about 4 inches from wing tip to leg tip... 
...look at those antenna!

This creature was sitting on our porch railing, I have no idea what it is, but I wouldn't want to be bitten by one!

I leave you now to finish packing (and making a breakfast/lunch sandwich which will keep in a cooler on the front seat so I can graze during my 10 hour drive), and just a little quite time.  Early to bed for this early riser!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Funny shoes! Looks like you stick with the same brand anyhow!

  2. Patti, they are actually running shoes, but they work in the garden. I'm still laughing at myself for having done that!

  3. What an exciting time you will have! Hugs!

  4. The shoes are so funny! So like something I would do : )


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