Thursday, June 27, 2013

Random River Thoughts

It's my last day on the river...early morning tomorrow I head out...back to the cabin (woo hoo).  I'm excited to return, but have relished every moment I've had here.  I've got a few random pics from the past few days to share with you...

Tuesday's sunrise...
...and the early morning waning gibbous moon (92% full).  These pictures were taken one after the other...both the sunrise and the moon were bright at the same time.

 I love the river birds early morning...a Heron having breakfast (not as dramatic as my Heron's breakfast shots)...

Egrets on the morning hunt...

A Cormorant drying his wings...

You can see the Egret here, but I really like the hole in the tree trunk that I inadvertently captured...

A couple ducks, which may not seem unusual, but I'm not seeing many of them around this trip...

And this morning's sunrise...there was a big thunder and lightning storm in the distance, but no matter how I tried, I couldn't capture a picture of it...

It's been a great trip, the best part being the vacation portion with Liam & Jessi.  Tomorrow I will be back at the cabin ready to get back to my garden (can't wait to see what it looks like) and other cabin chores.  BTW, I didn't see Meesy this morning and she didn't come when I called...I suppose she is happy exactly where she is.  I hope I see her again.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


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