Monday, June 3, 2013

Mountain Laurel is Blooming...My Photographic Study

The Mountain Laurel around our cabin is beginning to bloom.  And while a fully bloomed bush is dramatic, I'm finding the buds as interestingly spectacular!  Today's post is my photographic tribute to and exploration of the newly budding 'Mountain Ivy' as the locals call it...

A blooms amongst the buds...

This is the same photo as the one below, this one focused on the buds...
...this one on the bloom.

The little hairs are intriguing to me... fine, delicate and sparkly!

A bud just beginning to open...

Deep inside a single bloom...

A few more photos just because I am enjoying them so much!

I am completely grateful for the many joys nature brings to is good!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. These are awesome. We have them blooming around our place but I haven't took any pics yet. You did a great job with these.

  2. Looks like that camera is doing an awesome job! Beautiful pictures!!!!

  3. Thanks Susie, they are even more stunning in real life!

    I do love my camera Patti:) Thanks!

  4. Just lovely photos : )

  5. Thanks dad and Tipper!

    Hugs back dad:)


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