Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Liam & Jessi's Wonder Filled Vacation, Day 5

First thing this morning, Liam was ready to make fresh orange was his very first time and he was wild with anticipation.  Some time ago, he watched a TV show demonstrating how, and he was waiting for the perfect opportunity to make his own...what better time then when with his Mémère!  He guided the entire process..."Mémère, we need 3 oranges"...
..."now cut them in half Mémère"...he knew he had to squeeze the oranges onto the juicer.
 "Wow Mémère, this is the best orange juice EVER!" (he was closing his eyes because the flash was too bright).
I said try to open your eyes...this was the best he could do, LOL!

Then we were off to Darnell Farm to pick fresh strawberries...both for eating and for making jam together... some...Liam thought they were wonderful..."sooooo sweet Mémère!"...

...pick some...
 ...and pick some more...
...until our bellies were full and so were our baskets!
Pretty, aren't they?

Then we went to walk around the Smoky Mountain National Park Oconaluftee Mountain Farm (click on the link to see more about it, a place that makes you wonder about life in the 19th century. 

We then drove through a bit of the Blue Ridge Parkway, and were pleasantly surprised by a wild turkey and her chicks crossing the's hard to see them in the grass,
but if you look closely you can see 3 of them in this picture (it looked like there were 7 or 8 of them!).

 We stopped at several overlooks, but this one filled me with wonder at how amazing the mountains are. 

It's been a day filled with wonder, and it's not over yet!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,

Visit ABCWednesday for more blogs highlighting the letter W.  Many thanks to the founder, Mrs. Denise Nesbitt, and to Roger for taking over from her.


  1. a WONDERFUL sense of fulfillment!

  2. Oh wow those strawberries look so delicious and Ya'll look so happy with that handsome little man.. Enjoy, Susie

  3. How cute! And what a lovely place, too!

  4. When I was growing up my grandparents raised about two acres of strawberries. When it was time to pick We would go spend a week with them to help. I was paid 15 cents per quart for picking.
    An Arkies Musings

  5. Thanks for stopping by everyone, our time together was awesome!

    Hugs back dad!


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