Saturday, June 15, 2013

Let The Adventure Begin!

We've made it!  Jessi, Liam and I were packed and in the car at 2:45 am this morning, heading up to the cabin. ...
The trip was extremely enjoyable and Liam was so excited he actually didn't sleep much on the way.  He was chattering about everything he wanted to do, the two most important being fishing with his Nono (Mountain Man/Johny...NoNo is Italian for grandfather) and peeing in the woods.  But he finally fell asleep (more like passed out).  He was a trooper during the 10 hour drive, never really complaining and anxious to get to our destination.  We played a little game counting down the number of hours left on the trip, which he understood quite well, and using our fingers to show how close we were once we were only about 3 hours worked!
This is our first walk to explore the area...Liam was so ready to go that he didn't change out of his pj's...we were looking for frogs and he studied every insect we came across...
 Jessi was excited to find wild strawberries, not ripe enough to pick yet, but they are everywhere.
 This is self explanatory... :) 
Then we headed down to the creek.  Nono helped Liam keep his balance while he touch the cold water.  Tomorrow, he wants to be able to go into the creek...he'll find out how cold it really is!
Liam was getting so comfortable with everything that he climbed back up the stairs from the creek all by himself (it's a little challenging, being rustic stairs)!
 And Liam's first trip on Big Bear (our ATV) to head off with Nono to go fishing!
 Mommy was excited to watch her little man heading out for his first 4-wheeling adventure...
 ...and then sat swinging, relaxing and staring at the mountains!

When Nono and Liam returned, they had not caught any fish (they did get some nibbles), but they had a great time!

It's been a great day so far and it's not over!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Peeing in the goal met! Hugs!

  2. Merci Patti!

    He is having a great time dad, and Jessi is perfectly content and actually prefers staying here at the cabin and doing the things we do! Hugs back:)


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