Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Jessi & Liam's Vacation, Day 4

It's still raining today, so we've been keeping ourselves occupied with mostly indoor activities.  You might think rain would put a damper on things, but the cabin is cozy and you can hear the rain pattering on the leaves that surround us in the woods...quite relaxing, and that's what vacation is all about, right?

Liam and I decided we should bake brownies...he's a master baker and did all the hard work!
 Of course his favorite part was licking the spatula:)
He also enjoyed "painting" the batter as he called it. 
 So proud of his work!
The very best part was eating a freshly baked brownie, still warm, with a nice cup of milk...
 ...delicious, and he told me he even liked the nuts (he usually doesn't care for them).

Once the rain stopped, we went for a walk to the garden.  Liam found this snail in the road so he moved it to safer ground. 
Then we went into our woods...as you can see, it was quite dark there.  I love this picture of the two of them!

Then we picked some daisy's...
 ...for a fresh flower bouquet. 

Once the rain began again, we found some games to play...
 ...and decided a movie and popcorn was in order.  Can you catch popcorn thrown into the air?

It's been another great day, and it's not over!  Much more fun awaits, and we'll be grilling steaks this evening (even if it's still raining, I'll pull the grill onto the porch)...no vacation is complete without grilling steaks!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's (for those of you new to my blog, this means family/friends/readers/subscribers/followers), see you tomorrow,


  1. The photo of Jessica and Liam walking out of the woods is really a good shot. Hugs!

  2. He's just adorable! What a wonderful sharing time!


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