Sunday, June 16, 2013

Jessi & Liam's Cabin Vacation, Day 2

Day 1 was incredible though it ended with a roll and tumble for both Jessi and Liam that ended up with a few scrapes and bruises (mostly for Jessi) quote her "I had an unfortunate encounter with a black bear...that's my story and I'm sticking to it".  The sad truth of it is we were returning from a late night walk to the garden, and she and Liam decided to run joyfully down our gravel driveway (Jessi was giggling madly with her arms in the air) and yes, she fell, face first, into the stone.  Liam fell too, but not as badly.  I tried yelling to them to stop running, but it was too late.  Luckily, Liam had only one scratch on his chin...Jessi on the other hand, scraped up her face, her right knee and shoulder, and her wrists and palms.  This is after a good nights sleep (I'm not putting you through the 'right after' shots)...
...and I hate to say it but this picture makes it look much better than it does in person.  I was so bummed that this happened, but she handled it like a pro (she reminded me she can be a little clumsy), told me she was OK and for me not to worry...and she is feeling much better today (thank goodness!).

This morning began quietly, with Liam sitting bundled up on the swing, sipping hot cocoa while I drank my coffee.

Then he helped Nono install the first inside pieces of our deck railing.

We took a walk to the garden and to visit my friend Bertie, and Liam was tickled to have this butterfly visit on his shoulder for a while.

Wild strawberry picking was next in our day...yum, so good...pick one for snacking...
...and one for the basket.  It's the first time Liam and Jessi ever tasted or picked wild strawberries and they really enjoyed it.

We went to our friend's chicken coop so Liam could see the chickens up close and pick any eggs that were available...we found one...
...he was excited to collect it and very carefully carried it so we could take it back to the car for safe keeping while we walked around a little more.  And then disaster struck...
 ...he tried to hand me the egg and our hands bumped and the egg splattered. 
 It took quite a while for him to recover poor thing.  One of those life situations that you try to help a young child understand unfortunate disappointments in life.  We may try to go back there in a few days so he can collect more eggs...we'll bring a basket this time!

Once we got back to the cabin, he wanted to go swim in the creek.  We warned him it was really cold, but he really wanted to check it out...
 ...he was pretty brave and went in near one of the small falls...
  ...but it was really cold!

It's been a great day so far and it's not over!  Getting ready to make fresh trout and catfish for dinner...yum!  And tonight...firefly hunting!

Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's out there!  Much love and gratitude to you Dad, I love you!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Oh my poor Jessi, and I bet it will look worse before it looks better!

    Glad nothing was broke!!!!

    Keep on having fun!

  2. The finding and breaking of the egg will long be in Liam's memory! Hugs!

  3. I know Patti, and happily, she is recovering very well. She'll be back to normal before she heads home.

    I know dad, hopefully we can add a memory of finding and keeping an egg! Hugs back:)

  4. Fabulous post! So sad about the egg. Wow...picking strawberries! Wonderful. Everyone looks like they are enjoying their vacation!

  5. Thanks Marie, we had an awesome time together!


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