Friday, June 7, 2013

How Time Flies

Walking along the river this morning, I was struck by how quickly time passes.  My grandson Liam is graduating pre-K seems like just yesterday when he was born!  I smiled as I walked, thinking about how great it will be to see him again (Erin & Jessi too) and to watch his face light up when he sees me standing in his classroom doorway ready to pick him up for the day.  I'm excited that we'll have a little time together before his mommy gets home...I love that 1:1 time with him...and I can't wait to see him in his cap and gown!
As I walked, contemplating time and how quickly it passes, I ended up not taking many pictures...which struck me as odd, because every picture captures that exact moment in time, and I really enjoy taking pictures...I guess I was deep in thought.  I did come across a couple "subjects" I took pictures of that I thought I'd share (you know I'll have lots of pictures from my visit to share!)...

...a beautiful hibiscus opening to the sun   

...and a sago palm seed pod...

...did you know the sago palm is not a palm at all, and that it is quite poisonous? 

I'm posting early because I am heading excited...

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. That seed pod is awesome! So different. Had no idea it was poisonous! And I love the hibiscus. How sweet you are getting some quality time with that grandson!


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