Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Unbelievably Awesome!

It's been a good day.  Unbelievably awesome...and I'll tell you why.

I've driven 10 hours (I mentioned this trip yesterday) anticipating rain all day but the trip was unremarkable...just a few drizzles and light rain and no unpleasant traffic kind of drive. I usually stop at the rest stops every 90 minutes or so, just to give myself a break, and came across a lovely field of these unpretentious blooms at one of the FL stops...
...they brightened the area with a blanket of yellow speckles!  None of this is awesomely unbelievable, but it was the beginning of my day.

This begins what is awesomely unbelievable...As I drove, I spent time thinking about the fact that my youngest daughter Jessica has a son (my much beloved grandson I old enough to have a daughter old enough???...) who is graduating from pre-Kindergarten (how times have changed...when I was a child, we didn't go to pre-K or Kindergarten, first grade was our first undertaking of official schooling), and here we are celebrating Liam's first unquestionable step into "big-boydom".  In a way, I am unsettled about it (he is growing so fast), but at the same time, I am upbeat, because this is a really big step and exciting for him (and Jessi too). This is Liam waving goodbye to his Papa Mark when he dropped him off at school for a field trip...uber cute!

I also thought about how absolutely awesome it is going to be to have them visiting us at the cabin for the first time...we have so many, rafting, going to see the bears, picking strawberries, riding our ATV, hiking the mountain, hunting for mushrooms, going to collect fresh eggs, eating wild edibles...I can't wait!!!  I hope this is a trip that will unequal any other for them!  Not really unbelievable, but awesome!

And finally, I must share some unexpected but exciting news (at least to me, this is the most awesomely unbelievable).  I am not one to sign up for many giveaways...I often feel that it is unrealistic to expect to win. One of the blogs I follow, Christina Katz ~ The Prosperous Writer had an offer to win all of her works (click on the link to find out more about her, but in short, she writes about being a prosperous writer, which is what I am working my career/profession toward), so I decided to go ahead and make a comment on that particular post because I like her work.  Well guess what, I got an email from her saying I WON!!!  Awesomely unbelievable!!!

The best part about winning (besides being the lucky recipient of her books) is that it reignited my excitement for moving my writing career forward, and reminded me that what might seem to be impossible IS possible!  To dream...the impossible dream...(Don Quixote).  I am moving forward with my dream!!!  Thanks to all of you for being a part of it!!!

Visit ABCWednesday for more blogs highlighting the letter U.  Many thanks to the founder, Mrs. Denise Nesbitt, and to Roger for taking over from her.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Congratulations and I love your UNBELIEVABLE day, sights and perfect drive.
    Isn't being a Grandma the best? (whether one feels old enough or not...)

  2. It's a lovely blossom; first time I visited your blog and glad that I did. Your banner/header is lovely. I also read your profile and congratulate you and your husband are living "your dream." Good luck with your writing! Kate, ABC Team

  3. I know you all will have a great time. Safe travels!

  4. I appreciate your unbelievably awesome time!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  5. Thanks photowannabe, and yes, being a grandma is awesome!!!

    Thanks for visiting Kate, we sure are enjoying our log cabin life!

    So far, so good Patti...heading down for the graduation today!

    Thanks for your support Rog!

  6. Congratulations! Yes, being a grandmother is great! Thanks for sharing!
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  7. Oh gosh, I so Understand where you're coming from! I, too, feel such great love towards my grandson and granddaugher and I look at my daughter and wonder where the years went. Such unbelieveable and awesome days lie ahead for you when Liam comes to visit. And aren't wild flowers too cool to believe???

    abcw team

  8. Wonderful post. What a wonderful win! I too am a writer...have been published in small "papers," a local magazine, and one East Coast magazine. Am continuing work on a book. How sweet about your grandson. I have a daughter(only-child) and one grandson. He is now 11, and just "graduated" from elementary school. Your little guy is a cutie! You and I have some things in common! :-)

  9. Thanks Reader Wil!

    Leslie, I know what you mean about looking at your daughter, I often chuckle to myself thinking I'm not old enough to have daughters as old as mine are!

    Marie, I am so excited about winning, can't wait until I get the books. Congrats on being published!

    Hugs back dad, welcome home!


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