Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Heron's Breafast Along The River

This morning after watching the sun rise, I took my usual walk along the river.  I came across this heron having breakfast...it was fascinating to watch and the entire process took less than 1 minute.

I first saw some commotion in the grass and watched as this heron came up with his prize (I believe its a male because of his dewlap, though I didn't see it until I put my USB card into my computer)...
...he walked around a bit while shaking his head to reposition the lizard...
...and then swallowed...

...he seemed to struggle a bit...big lizard, not so big bird...
...but he finally succeeded and was once again immediately on the hunt.

I hope these photos are not disturbing to anyone, though a little graphic.  Photographing nature is something I really enjoy, and every now and again, I am in exactly the right place at the right time and capture something like this...I had to share! 

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Oh I love these pictures. You really captured him well. We have the gray Herons in our little creek but I've never been able to get a decent picture of one before he flies away. Hugs, xo

  2. I was lucky to get them Susie!


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