Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Things Are Sprouting!

This stage of gardening is so exciting...our little seedlings are emerging from the soil!  I feel a great sense of satisfaction and much anticipation for the fresh vegetables to come... Here's what we've got sprouting so far...

Gooseberries...see the little green berries growing?...this isn't in the garden, but our first gooseberry fruit so very exciting...
Red potatoes...
 Crimson giant radish...
Tyee fi spinach...(I believe anyway, it looks like grass but is sprouting in a row, so that leads me to believe my presumption of spinach is correct...time will tell, but I don't have experience with this because it never sprouted last year)...
Mixed lettuce...(funny, these seeds were so small several got planted in the same spot, so we will be needing to thin these out to allow each head to grow properly)...
It's funny how many of the sprouts look very similar at this stage, isn't it?

The things that remain to sprout are carrots, bush beans, pole beans, broccoli, celery, red lettuce and squash, which concerns us a little because they should be sprouting by now...I hope all the rain and little sunshine hasn't had a negative affect on them.

We'll be planting tomatoes and watermelon in the next few days, more about that soon.

Today's post is short and sweet (well, the sprouts are short and the success is sweet) and being published early because we are heading to downtown Waynesville for the afternoon and then visiting with our friend John and going to dinner with him at the Old Stone Inn, both really charming places (click on the links to learn more)

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Enjoy the miracle of plants growing! Have fun. Hugs!

  2. Part 2...Looked up Waynesville and the Old Stone Inn...sounds like a perfect day's activities. The dinner menu is scrumptious! Can't wait to hear details about it. Hugs!

  3. Dad, ended up not meeting our friend because his wife fell and had serious injuries so he had to head back to Tx right away. Will have to visit with him again when he returns. We did go to dinner though, I'll tell you about that when I talk with you next. Hugs back!

  4. Great start on your garden! I too am babying my little sprouts and I have a few things that aren't so little anymore. It's so satisfying!

  5. Marie, I sure hope we don't get this possible freeze on Monday that is predicted for our area!


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