Thursday, May 30, 2013

Our New Old Patio Set

We often eat outside.  Sometimes on the porch (if it's cool or raining) either sitting on the swing or in our rocking chairs that face the mountains, with folding tables in front of us.  Lately though, we've been enjoying eating out on the deck, still using the folding tables but seated in plastic Adirondack chairs (which makes for a not so comfortable eating arrangement).  So I've been on the hunt for just the right patio set to put on the deck.  I found several possibilities, but this is the one both Johny and I agreed was a perfect fit for our new deck.

It was a hoot getting it from the antique shop to our cabin in our small CRV...I sure wish I got a picture of that, but if you can imagine the table upside down sticking out the back a little, the glass top between the down-folded back seats and the front seats, the chairs carefully placed like jig saw puzzle pieces around the table, and then the back of the car held down with would have made a great picture...if only I had thought of it...I was living in the moment and not thinking ahead, a good thing to do sometimes!

We will be replacing the old and cracked chair cushions and giving it a fresh coat of paint, but it is mostly perfect just the way it is!   This is the detail of the chairs...the shadow on the deck is pretty cool...
...but (pun intended, you'll get it in a second) this picture makes me laugh and think of a thong, LOL (it would be a pretty one, donchathink?)!

This is the table detail...(I like the way the sun shining through the glass table top reflects on the chair cushions)...

...and the "table chair perspective" up close.

We found labels with the creator of this lovely set...
...Woodard, and after some research, I do believe we've made a smart purchase...this is a vintage Woodard patio set, and we got it for a steal!  I'm hoping my friend Patti can have her husband Bernie give any insight he might have into this wrought iron manufacturer's products, he's a Blacksmith, so he might have some familiarity with it.   

Now we are enjoying our first late afternoon relaxation moment sitting at our old new table and chair set.

Life is good!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. What an awesome set you snagged!

    Doesn't it make us bloggers mad when we forget to snap a picture.

    Just like two weeks ago when I had carried my laundry up from the basement of the Keith house, to the truck in the parking lot. Only to discover I had dropped a pair of pink lace thongs in the parking lot!!

    Guess us bloggers are alike, camera or thongs!


  2. Life is good, especially when you can enjoy yourself out on the deck. Looks like the weather is nice, shorts and all. - Margy

  3. Great buy and it looks perfect...I like the detail and the style. Mountain man sure looks happy with it. Photos of the move would have been great...but alas...your description allowed me to visualize and laugh out loud.

  4. Isn't that the truth Patti!

    We are having nice weather Margy, Spring has finally arrived!

    Glad you were laughing out loud dad, from now on you can write LOL! Hugs back:)

  5. Wonderful place to sit on the deck and watch nature!

  6. Indeed it is Reader Wil...we hear the creek rushing below, the birds chattering above and around us, the wind rustling the leaves...wonderful indeed!

  7. What a beautiful set. It will give you much pleasure, I am sure. When my DH and I were newly weds back in the late 50's, our furnished, attic apartment in an old, old house had a dining set very much like this. I really liked it.

  8. That sounds so charming Lindah! Thanks for visiting and commenting:)


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