Friday, May 24, 2013

Kindred Spirits

Have you ever met someone face-to-face for the first time and felt like you've known them forever?  That was what it was like yesterday when I met my friend we were kindred spirits (the Urban Dictionary defines it as two people that make a special connection by sharing a bond that has joined them by the means of an experience that has drawn them together on a higher level of consciousness.)  You see, we met through our blogs, and though we have communicated with each other through blog comments and email, we've never spoken or met in person.

Spending time with Patti was felt like I'd known her all my life...even though I know there is still so much more to learn about each other.  We laughed because we each gifted each other with a bottle of fruit wine; she gave me a bottle of blackberry wine from MO and I gave her a bottle of strawberry wine from NC (I also gave her some ramp compound butter and sure wish I remembered the violet jelly).  She also gave me this awesome bag that she made...I was so excited and so touched!

We met at the John C Campbell Folk School because she (a quilter and writer of the Osage Bluff Quilter blog) and her husband Bernie (a Blacksmith) came to the school from MO to take classes and Bernie also assisted with the Blacksmith course.  The school is only 60 miles west of our cabin and it's a beautiful drive through the mountains to get there.

Once Patti and I hugged each other hello, visited some, and I got the grand tour of her (their) awesome Casita (it is a perfect camper for 2 people), we headed to the center of the campus to visit all the classrooms.

We started at the clay studio where the students were working with polymer clay to create gorgeous plant stakes.

Then to the glass beading studio; I admire glass artistry, and really enjoyed watching the process.  At this point, I am bitten by the school bug, ready and willing to come back for a week or weekend of classes!

Then to the doll making studio...the detail of the faces and dresses of these dolls was exquisite...I particularly liked these vegetable people.

This is a Timber Frame, a structure that is assembled using traditional mortise and tenon joinery with wood pegs (Patti and Bernie's home is constructed this way, and this is how Mountain Man assembles things).

The Blacksmith shop (one of my favorite buildings on the property).  I've always been attracted to cast iron and wrought iron, and this is where they create their masterpieces.
This is the entryway...

...and some of the railing inside the building...notice each rail is different, all made by students...

...I want the hearth broom hanging there...maybe I'll come back and make one of my own!

I feel in love with this hearth oven they use in the cooking classes...what a beautiful place to create culinary delights...I'd like to have one!

The music class, learning to play lap dulcimers.

A sandal made in the shoe making class, very cool!

Wood turning...
...the small bowl on the left was make from a chunk of log like the one on the right.

Of course, between all the classes we visited, chatted away about lots of things, enjoying the beautiful grounds as we walked from place to place.  We ate a delicious lunch together with Bernie and the rest of the students and teachers at the school, family style.  Everyone I spoke with says that attending one class at the folk school gets you addicted and coming back over and over...and I can believe it!

Someone gave Bernie a 5 leaf clover!

A few of the other points of interest at the school, they have a large garden for much of the produce they serve, and this lovely labyrinth.
All the residential buildings where the students stay while taking classes for the week were charming,  fabulously steeped deep with North Carolina's historical architecture. 

After classes ended for the day, Bernie joined us at the camper and we all went into town for dinner.  It was extra special because Patti and Bernie were celebrating their 43rd nice to share a special day with a very special couple.  Before Bernie left to go back to work at the Blacksmith shop, we asked him to take a picture of we kindred spirits...

The school is located in Brasstown, and this is it...the famed Clay's Corner, most noted for it's New Year's Eve Possum Drop and free music on Friday nights...
...this is it, Brasstown, small, quaint and full of arts and crafts.

I can't wait to bring Johny to visit Brasstown and the school, I know we will be going there to take some classes some day!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Lise, what a fun day and a very interesting school would love to visit next time we are in the US, and glad you made a new friend. take care , and always look both ways before crosing the road .

  2. What a wonderful to be cherished! I'm convinced Johny would love it there! Hugs!

  3. Thanks Malcolm, I highly recommend it! And I do follow your advice!

    It really was a great day dad, can't wait to go again! Hugs back

  4. What an awesome time we had that day! Even if the old lady didn't get my joke about her plant painting. LOL

    Hope we can do it again some day. You and Mountain man are always welcomed to come to Mid-Mo!

  5. LOL, that was funny Patti, I hope we do it again too! And thanks for the invitation, we may just take you up on that:)


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