Thursday, May 9, 2013

Grouse, More Sprouts & Interesting Insects

Today I will share a bit of this and that.

I'll start with the most intriguing part of the day, which happened to occur this afternoon.  We decided that we wanted to check in on mama Grouse (click here for yesterdays post to catch up on the Grouse story) to make sure she had in fact returned to the nest, and Johny wanted to check the batteries on the critter cam to be sure we didn't miss out on what could be a once in a lifetime opportunity (they are working and the camera repositioned to an optimal viewing spot).  There she was, sitting proudly on her clutch, watching us closely.  Then she took off, once again trying to distract us.  And so did we, in order to leave the area as undisturbed as possible.

First thing this morning, we planted our watermelon, tomato and the rest of our squash seeds, as this was a good day for planting according to the Farmers' Almanac.  And then I spotted more sprouts...
 ...pole beans...
Woo hoo for the sprouts!

This ant was sitting on the top of the garden fence as I was heading back to the cabin after sowing all those reminded me of the song "the ants go marching 1 by 1"...I guess it was sitting there letting the sun dry the dew off its back.

We also went hunting (and found, yay) morel mushrooms again.  I was intrigued when I spotted this group of butterflies and moths enjoying whatever nutrients it is they suck out of the gravel...

Later this afternoon, when I took a walk to the garden to get in a little quality time (I like to talk to the seeds and seedlings to encourage healthy growth...I know...some might think this a little odd, but I think it works) I found this spider munching on some dinner.  Funny thing is, I didn't realize it was eating until I uploaded my photos...

When I returned to the cabin, I went to look at one of my very favorite plants in the yard, a  Rare Pinkshell Azalea , which is just beginning to bloom.  As I crouched there taking pictures, this interesting insect landed and began sucking the nectar...another moment of being in the right place at the right time.

It's been a captivating and productive day...I hope yours has been too!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. 13 days and counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Beautiful! What a lovely life! I can't wait to see more!

  3. A day filled with little blessings! Hugs!

  4. Sounds like a delightful and fun filled day.. My little seedlings are having trouble shooting out due to the wet weather. Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day.

  5. What an exciting post! You took some superb pictures.

    I talk to my plants too, and I agree with you, I think it helps them to hang in there and grow. :)

    Happy sprouting!

  6. Yes indeed, looking forward to it Patti!

    Thanks Marie!

    Hugs back dad!

    It was a great day Susie, hopefully we'll see some sunshine in the near future.

    Thanks Melanie! I do enjoy my time outdoors and taking pictures!


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