Thursday, May 16, 2013


Johny left this morning to go camping with a couple of his mountain buddies; Ronnie and RV are going trout fishing, Johny is going gold panning, mushroom hunting and is identified by Ronnie as the aide-de-camp.  Mountain Man has been looking forward to this adventure from the git-go, and I have been excited to experience my first solo days here at the cabin. 

On my way back up the mountain after dropping him off, I came across a couple serene early morning scenes...I've not driven up the mountain this early in the morning in a long time, and I'd forgotten we had horses and cows that would graze along the way.

This is the rare Umbrella Leaf growing on the way to our garden...a lovely plant that has grown quite well with all the rain we have had.

I visited with my friend Bertie this morning after dropping Johny off.  We had our usual hilariously entertaining conversation, and at one point she showed me this dress she made many years ago...
...I love the button basket!

These beautiful blooms are from my new lemon basil plant...I pinched them off to allow the plant to focus on bushing up...

Now I am going to enjoy every minute of my 'Lise' cabin time while Mountain Man enjoys his Aide-de-Camp duties (he may come back with dish pan hands, but I hope he brings a huge gold nugget too!).

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f''s, see you tomorrow,


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