Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Coyote Visits's a wild and beautiful thing.  A few days ago I told you about the Ruffed Grouse chicks hatching, and that a few of them didn't make it.  That same evening, our critter cam caught a Coyote coming to the nest.  I am so happy we have a critter cam, it allows us to see things we would never have the opportunity to witness otherwise.  The photos are b&w because it was night, but the camera does take color pictures. Oh, and his eyes are glowing because of the infrared flash.  

Here is a picture of him eating one of the eggs (we believe we watched six live chicks leave the nest with mama, the four that were left didn't live)...he ate the rest of the remains in the nest as well (no surprise there)...

...the nest after his supper.

This is another shot of the Coyote, look at that beautiful tail!

We never hear the Coyote, though I wish I would, at least once.  Several years ago we heard a mountain lion in the middle of the night, it sounds like a terribly woeful cry of a woman or baby crying, it's an awful sound, but there was no doubt about it, that's what we heard.  I actually find it quite joyful that we have this kind of wildlife lives in our woods...its one of the reasons we love it here.  And though I was sad there were some chicks that didn't survive, I'm happy their lives (as short as they may have been) served a help this Coyote survive.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Nature is harsh. I am glad some of the chicks survived. So your camera takes colour pictures during daylight, and black and white at night. Interesting. - Margy

  2. Margy, I know I told you it was B&W, but then I realized that is only at night when it doesn't pick up on the colors. I was happy to discover the color daytime pics!

  3. Thanks for a great nature story! Hugs!

  4. One of the reasons we love our log cabin living! hugs back dad!

  5. I'd love to get a critter cam! My hubby and I are thinking about it. So sad the baby ruffled grouse didn't all make it. Your coyote photos are beautiful. I love them, even though I know most people don't. We were surrounded by 250 acres in TX when we were there, and often heard and saw coyotes and many other critters. It was awesome.

  6. We still haven't heard the coyotes Marie, I'm hoping we do one day. Fascinating creatures...nature is amazing!


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