Saturday, April 13, 2013

To Every Season

I'll begin with what I think is a really cool picture, taken today while we were out hunting violets (oh yes, violet jelly in the making, come back tomorrow for the details).  This photo was actually an "accident", meaning I kept snapping quickly without in order to looking capture what I could as this bee busily sucked nectar from a plum tree, and this is one of the shots I got (all I did was crop it a little).  It's a perfect into to my post today, being we are entering the season of bumble bees...

I recently rediscovered that I had posted pictures of our cabin and our mountains on my blogs home page (well, the only page right now, but I am considering a few updates, more about that another time) on April 6, 2012, just after we began our 1st year here.  It's been on the sidebar all along, though I have to admit that I don't usually see it (some of the impetus behind my thought process for a few blog updates).  When I did actually look at the picture, I thought "gosh, how different...not only the cabin but spring was much further along at this time last year.  This is last year...
...this is today, April 12, 2013...what a difference.  Today still looks like winter compared to last year.  And then we have the deck, and the driveway...WOW!  I was actually amazed and surprised at the differences; I'm so glad I took that picture a year ago!

This is our mountain view 4.6.12...the big branch in the upper left corner is now gone, taken down by Mountain Man with a bow and a rope chain last July or so...and you can see the green of the trees...
...this is today, not much green at all (which lets me see more of my mountains) and I love that the branch is gone.

While this post makes me think of the song, Turn! Turn! Turn! by The Birds (click on the link if you'd like to listen, I love this song and this line in particular..."a time for peace, I swear it's not too late"...), my motivation was really about every season having it's own time and season ever being exactly the same as the last or the next.  Makes life interesting! 

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Woke this morning to snow. We barely had any snow all winter, and now we get it in April. But it was big wet flakes and the temp was about 4 degree, so it melted right when it hit the ground, at least down here on the flat land. I'll be interested to see your recipe for violet jelly. I can't even imagine what it tastes like. - Margy

  2. Great comparisons...could not help thinking about the tree planting ceremony we had for Marc, March 16, 2012. Hugs!

  3. Wow Margy, snow! Nature has it's own way, doesn't it? I've posted the violet jelly recipe, if you get the chance to try it, let me know what you think!

    Thanks dad. It was a beautiful ceremony...hard to believe it's been over a year since he passed. Hugs back!


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