Wednesday, April 24, 2013

One Last Day

A good night's sleep makes all the difference...I was so tired yesterday I actually used the "O" word to describe how I was feeling...shame on me, that is against my orthodoxy!!!

I'm happy to say that I had enough rest that my body followed it's usual routine here on the river and I woke up early enough to watch the sunrise, which was stunning with a serenely orange hue.

With only one last day here, I'm soaking in everything that I observe, kind of like inhaling it all in with every breath I take.

A beautiful white ginger flower...

An old tree branch...

A pelican on watch...

Early morning flight...

A lily's organs...

On my walk along the river this morning, nothing felt ordinary.  It was cool for this time of year and oddly quiet, which was the perfect beginning to the rest of my day, which has been filled with errands, organizing and packing, readying myself for one more road trip back to the cabin.    

You may be able to tell that the ABCWednesday letter of the day is O.  If you want to see other original entries, click on the link! Thanks to Mrs. Denise Nesbitt for founding this meme and to Roger who's now taken the lead!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Thank you for your O words! Your cabin looks so wonderful!
    I wish you a wonderful week!
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  2. The old tree branch is my favourite. - Margy

  3. Those are beautiful nature shots and a great group of O words.

  4. Thank you all! I like that old tree branch too Margy, there are many of those along the river!


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