Sunday, April 21, 2013

Moving Day for Jessi & Liam

What a day, and we're still going!  This is Liam, smiling at Tehya, the 5 month old daughter of friend's of Jessi's that we are babysitting this evening.  Talk about going from dawn to dusk! 

Everything went well with the move, but there is still much to do.  Liam was such a great helper, here he is sweeping up in the old apartment...what a great kid! 

Tomorrow will be another extremely busy day while Jessi and I work to get everything unpacked and put away, so I'm sure my post will be short and sweet once again.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. He is cute as a button and looks like a great helper.. I wish ya'll the best of luck..

  2. That's being a good mother/grandmother! Hugs!

  3. Not only is he cute Susie, but a great person and sweet as could be. Love him and love being a grandmother!

    Thanks dad, I do enjoy it and he is a real treat! Hugs back!


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