Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Soaring With The Wind

I went out on the dock to soak in the river and unwind from my long road trip today, and was completely mesmerized by a set of Osprey playing in the wind...soaring in the current, back and forth, totally free...it made me feel so peaceful.   

Which was exactly what I needed, after having spent a good amount of my long drive listening to news stations reporting on the horrible bombings at the Boston Marathon.   I kept changing the radio stations to find music that would keep my attention, but would inevitably get curious about any possible updates, so I'd switch to news again.  What is it about human nature that makes some of us want to hear all the details about these things?

My heart breaks for everyone involved (and frankly for all those effected by any disastrous and unexpected situation in their life, whether an individual or many) and I will keep thoughts and prayers for swift healing and strength for them all.  And may they find the same peace the soaring Osprey possesses.

I'm so very glad that I will be seeing the girls and Liam in a couple days...you never know what the next moment will bring...another good reminder of making every moment I have count!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Enjoyed our early morning chat...have fun in FL. Hugs!

  2. Yes, the sadness has engulfed us all...and now the fertilizer plant explosion too. It's hard to get away from all the distress! What a lovely stop, seeing the osprey and taking your mind off things for a while.

  3. I did too dad. Safe travels to you, I can't wait to hear about Logan and Carson's show!

    I know what you mean Marie, but I am grateful for the opportunity to enjoy my peace on the river.


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