Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Everything Old Is New Again

It's nice to be back on the river, where "everything old is new again".  Every time I return here, I hear myself saying (to myself), "oooh", "ahhh", "oh, I remember that" as I walk along the river in the early morning.  I have to admit, it's not nearly as quiet as the cabin is around here, but there are definitely many moments of and opportunities for peacefulness.

Funny though, whether it's winter, summer, spring or fall, everything looks pretty much the same.  The real indicator of the seasons changing is how humid it is!  I'm not a fan of high humidity, never have been, never will be.  It's a really good thing our place is on the river...we usually have a bit of a breeze!

Here are a few of the things I came across as I walked along the river this morning...

...a heron standing guard, it's feathers getting ruffled by the wind...
 ...the same heron from a different angle and with the sun still rising...

...a slightly cloudy sunrise...another indicator of the change of seasons is how much farther north the sun is when it rises... interesting flower I've never seen before (I'll have to see if they open more)...

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


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