Monday, April 15, 2013

Delights of Early Spring

I'm getting ready to head out on a road trip early tomorrow morning, to visit with my girls and excited to see them again!  Since I'll be away from the cabin for a bit, I thought I'd soak up as many of the delights early spring has to offer as possible...

A dandelion...
... & a little closer.

A white violet, I believe you can make jelly out of these as well (I don't know that for sure), but you wouldn't get the awesome color with these.

A variegated different!

Apple buds...
...and a blossom in progress.

Pear bloom.

Bumblebee on plum bloom.

Not sure what this is but I like it:)

Rhubarb seed pod, really interesting looking!  We're taking it off this year so that the plant can focus on growing it's leaves. 

I've seen our first hummingbird and put a feeder out there for it...I've tried to get a good picture, but this is the best I could get so far...

I'll be back at the cabin soon, but stay tuned for all the fun and shenanigans of mother/daughters/'s going to be great fun!  Woo hoo, I'm excited...can you tell?  

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow (from the river),


  1. Hope you have a fun filled trip.. Your photos are so beautiful.

  2. Great nature photos...have a safe trip and enjoy your children and Liam. Hugs!

  3. Have a great trip!!

    Your pictures are so awesome!

  4. Thanks all, I'm looking forward to it...more than I can say:) Two days...

    Hugs back dad!


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