Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Feeding Frenzy

I've been so preoccupied with things that I forgot all about ABCWednesday yesterday...but hey, I say, better late than never! N being the operative letter for yesterday:)

We have a pond in the yard of our river place, with little fish...mostly Swordtails, small black fish (I have no idea how they came to us) and a new breed that's a cross between the two.  We also have an Oscar, who stays very well hidden, and I believe nourishes himself with the little itty bitty fishes that swim in the pond. 

When I come into town, one of the great joys I have is feeding the fish.  They are always excited to see me (we do have someone who feeds them, but I think they really like me, LOL) and rush to the top of the water to gulp down their nourishment...feeding frenzy is a mild descriptor of the activity that occurs.  It makes for a really cool picture though...
...and here are the little darlings up close (not very clear, I know).

This is the pond, home to our very own itty bitty fishes...nice place to live, if you're a fish...nice place to sit and swing (I'm sitting on the swing to take this picture) and relax if you're a human.

I'm now off for a number of appointments and then a visit with my friend Brucie!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,

Thanks to Mrs. Denise Nesbitt for founding this meme and to Roger who's now taken the lead!


  1. i especially LOVE the top pic. It's so cool!

  2. Life certainly gets in the way sometimes.
    Glad you posted anyhow.
    Love your little fish in the pond.

  3. Nifty place for fish and humans. Good shots too. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  4. River life...mountain life! How lucky! Hugs!

  5. Your cabin is wonderful! Thanks for the nice photos!
    Have a great weekend!
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  6. Exquisite, I especially like the first!

  7. What fun it must be to have this little pond with the fish, and to enjoy feeding them!

  8. We used to feed fish when we were still in KOrea.

    Festival of Nation

    Catching up with letter N before O arrives.
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  9. It is fun Marie, my grandson gets a real kick out of feeding them.


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