Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Indigo Sky

Yesterday, I shared that the weather was accommodating my melancholy mood, as it was our last day on the river.  When we arrived at the cabin today, it seemed nature was accommodating my mood once again (though this time I was joy-filled)...the sky was an incredibly deep indigo, the wind blustery, the temperature cold (38 degrees), and there were no signs of spring anywhere.  Feels like winter and I like it!  Oh, and the cabin was a nice 37 degrees inside, as we had not turned on any of the electric know us, icky poo to electric we were stoking the wood stove as fast as we could to regulate the temperature only took 2 hours to get to 52...not bad if you ask me, with the wind blowing...and another 2 hours to get the entire cabin into the 60's. 
I know you are wondering "Lise, what the heck, don't you want spring to arrive?"...truth be told, I'd like another icy snow that locks me into the cabin for a few days...I know this is not what anyone else wants to have happen, but I would be completely content if it did.  I missed the biggest snowstorm of the season while I was on the river...

With all that said, I have to admit, there is something extremely special about being able to live in two such different places...I find myself appreciating each of them, both upon leaving and then upon returning.  I don't mean to sound like I am gloating or anything, but after this recent trip and our return to the cabin, I have a deep appreciation for the opportunity to experience them both on a regular basis. 

Today, ABCWednesday is highlighting the letter 'I', and though Indigo is pertinent and included, this is really about me, meaning Lise, therefore, I is perfect!  And I am grateful. 

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Glad you had a safe trip back to the cabin...Hugs!

  2. Guess I am a little on the crazy side too, I always love snow! I'd take another one, but it's suppose to be 66 tomorrow and 74 Friday. I don't think it's gonna happen!

  3. "you ain't been blue
    'til you have that mood indigo"
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. Hugs back dad!

    The temp was 16 when we woke up this morning Patti...they said slight chance of flurries this afternoon...I'll take 'em!

    Rog, you're the lyric king!
    ..."That feelin' that goes stealin' down Way down to my shoes While I just sit around and sigh, "Go 'long blues"...

  5. Glad you made it back.. I love Indigo but I'm so looking forward to spring..

  6. Your indigo sky is gorgeous. I have family members that live in the northeastern U.S. part of the year and in FL part of the year and they also enjoy a little winter after leaving FL before spring weather arrives in their northern homes. I live in NC and always like to have some cold March and April weather before the heat descends. Where I live, we can literally have 50 degree differences in the temperature between 24 hours if you count the lows on cold spring nights and highs on warmer than usual spring days. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  7. Thanks Susie, I don't think you will have to wish much longer because it feels like spring is on it's way!

    I know exactly what you mean Carter...I love the cold snaps in March and April here in the NC mountains!

    Thank you Jaime!

  8. I understand the part being locked up inside the cabin for a few days. Sometimes, I feel that way too. Though we don't have snow here. I'm trying to catch up on the I entries. I'm unbelievably late. Thanks for the visit, Lise.


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