Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Oceans of Happiness

My friend Bertie called me this morning to tell me there was a big snow and wind storm last night, and that I better get myself back to the cabin so all this snow would stop (I've told you before that every time I leave the cabin to come to the river it snows at the cabin...I have to figure out if I can do something to make it snow when I'm there and not when I'm here!)

We are experiencing the total opposite end of the weather spectrum here, with my day today being about happiness on the ocean!  It has been a cold day for Floridians, and the wind has been brisk.  But to me it has been an absolutely perfectly happy day! 

Even though we live on the river, I haven't been to the ocean in quite some time.  I was meeting some friends out on the beach, so I took some time to visit the ocean.  It truly is a magical spot in the world...salt water meeting land...I love the smell and the sound and...well, not the sand, never have...but hey, that's OK!

The beaches here are protected by boardwalks, sea grass, sea grapes and palm, and at this time of year, lots of signs reminding visitors to be watchful of sea turtles. 

I really like how sea grass looks with the background of the ocean...there is something mesmerizing about it as it sways in the wind...

This is the walkway to the beach...looks like a tunnel to happiness:)

There were a bunch of wind surfers who were happy today...

Today ABCWednesday highlights "H".  My best H word is happiness, and reminds me of one of my favorite songs, the 'Happiness Is' song from Peanuts, You're a Good Man Charlie Brown.  I love the lyrics.  They make me happy.  And mostly, the last line, "Happiness is anyone and anything at all that's loved by you" so true, don't you agree?  Want to know a happy little tidbit about me that few people know?  My very first solo dance performance was as Snoopy performing to the Suppertime song from this record, yes, record, it was a tap dance, and my dad fixed my hair in pigtails so my 'ears' would tie to them and look like real Snoopy ears...remembering this brings me much happiness!  

Wishing you a happy day!  And night!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. THe ocean is very inviting, offering some relaxation and fun.

    Haghpat Monastery, Armenia
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  2. I'm HAPPY about your happiness. And I love boardwalks, though I imagine they must be work to maintain.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. I'm with you and the smells and sounds of the ocean! We live on the west coast of Canada but moved to Ontario for a few years...I noticed the difference right away! It was like the air was "dead" - I will never live far from the open waters.

    abcw team

  4. Thanks everyone, happy day to you all!

    Hugs back dad!

  5. The ocean always makes me happy happy happy. It's been to long since I've seen it.
    An Arkies Musings


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