Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fruit Flowers

Have you ever looked closely at the flowers that precede the fruit a plant will produce?  I've been particularly occupied with citrus and tropical plants while here on the river, as they are surrounding me...and they are beautiful!

This is a Kaffir lime flower...

An Orange flower...

A Papaya flower...

...the possess a light sweet aroma that permeates the surrounding mouth always waters when I smell them...anticipation of the fruit to come!  And I find it particularly intriguing that the stigma (the part in the middle that traps the pollen) often looks similar to the eventual fruit.  I don't know enough about how the fruit develops, but it sure it interesting to see up close!

Speaking of mouth watering experiences, this is the kaffir fruit...there are many uses for this interesting fruit, click on the link to learn more...cut open they have a divinely bright citrus aroma and a tangy flavor.  I plan to use them just like a lemon or lime!

By the way, we had a great evening with our friends Dick & Ursula...I can't wait to see them again up in the mountains!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Beautiful flowers you found. We leff Missouri yesterday with about 12 inches of snow behind. It snowed on us for two hours, another hour drive and we were completely out of snow. Today in Okkahoma City we were out in 70 weather!

  2. Wow Patti, winter has definitely left it's mark for you! Enjoy the warmth while you can, and if I am guessing right, enjoy that grandbaby too!!!

  3. Too bad we don't have "scratch and sniff" on the computer...the photos are beautiful. Hugs!

  4. Interesting citrus fruit. I've never seen one before. - Margy

  5. Dad & Margy, I just found out that you can grind up the entire kaffir fruit in a food processor and then use it with fish...supposed to taste spectacular!


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