Friday, March 8, 2013

Family Reunion Weekend

This morning's sunrise was a beautiful beginning to our family reunion weekend...

...the sun was a bright red as it rose over the horizon...(the pictures don't depict the red very well)

I encountered a few other red things on my walk along the river too!  This pretty red/corral wildflower in the midst of a small field of them...

This red bellied woodpecker (I believe)...

This cardinal...
I always come across special picture moments when I walk, it's never boring!  I like the color red, and being that it symbolizes love, I think all this red today was a sign of good things to come this weekend:)

I hope you all have a great day; I'm posting this early to accommodate our getting ready for the reunion.  I can't wait to tell you more about it tomorrow!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Have fun at your reunion! We are having one in June, so get me some good tips.

  2. Beautiful sunrise. With a family of three, every day is a reunion around here. It must be interesting to have a large family. - Margy

  3. where is this lovely place with all the red? Beautiful pictures.

    I am having a reunion of family and friends in south Georgia in May. I can't wait to see all my nieces and nephews, my last brother and sister, too.
    Hope your reunion weekend is perfect.

  4. Thanks Patti, I'll be posting about the reunion, hopefully you will find some good tips there:)

    Thanks Margy. I think the fact that we get together only 2x per year makes seeing each other so special...we don't see each other enough to get on each other's nerves, lol!

    Hi Glenda, those spots are along the Indian River in central FL, we have a place there. I love watching the sunrise and walking along the river every morning...but I'm looking forward to getting back to our cabin!

  5. Beautiful red colors...spring is really in the air! Hugs!


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