Sunday, March 24, 2013

Family Art

Johny's Mom Irene was a very talented artist...she painted beautiful pictures that we have hanging here in the cabin as well as at our river home.  I often find myself gazing at them, lost in a scene and it's details.  I thought I would share some with you today...please forgive my photographs of them, I have gained a new respect for photographers of art, as it's not an easy thing to do!...but I've done my best to capture each piece without any refraction of light, which is why they are not always straight.

I'll start with this one, a scene close to my heart as it reflects the feel of our cabin.  Irene had no idea we would be living this log cabin life, and she never got to come see this place, but I know if she had she would have loved it!

I thought I would be telling you which picture was my favorite, but I can't.  These two have always captured my attention, and I love them, I think because of the water wheels, creeks and bridges.  I actually never noticed their similarities until right now!  

This is a street in Dudelange, Luxembourg, near where they lived and where Johny grew up.  The site actually looks just like this! 

My favorite winter painting is hanging in our river place (I figure we get to experience the real thing here, so I want my favorite snow scene down south, so I can loose myself in it, especially when the humidity is getting to me!).  But I do enjoy these.

Love her use of color and the reflections of the trees in the lake. So peaceful...

The country feel of this one draws me right in...and, well, yes, I love this one too.

Irene was a sweet and gentle woman who passed away several years ago after battling cancer.  I'm so glad I got to know and love her, as brief as that time may have been...she was a special woman!

I forgot to tell you...we woke to a dusting of snow on Thursday, so I guess changing my shower curtain from a winter to spring theme worked!  Better yet, we now have a winter storm warning that predicts snow starting tonight and falling on and off until Tuesday.  Of course I'm excited about the possibility of snow, and I think it's still early enough in the spring season that all the precious little buds will not be harmed...maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to sled a little!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Beautiful paintings you all have kept if mrs's Irene's . She was quite talented.

    Have fun with your snow. We gave 6-8 inches of newly fallen snow.

  2. Love seeing the paintings again. Hugs!

  3. The one thing I always think about is that my mom never got to visit our cabin - I tried, even told them I would pay for a plane ticket to Asheville, but could not make it happen... will always regret that I didnt try harder to make it happen....

  4. Thanks Patti!

    Hugs back dad:)


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