Saturday, March 2, 2013

Come Into My World...Again...

It continues to be cloudy and cold on the river...except for the few moments of brightness this morning.  As usual, I love it all:)  So here are a few of the specialties of the day...

A beautiful Mallard duck and her young'n...

Breakfast time for this Egret...

The Cormorant Tree...can you find 5?

Finch's finding goodies...

An end of the day treat with our friends Dick & Ursula for the evening, beachy sandal shrimp snack tray and I believe Ursula is making fresh brochette...this will be good friends with good conversation and good snacking!

PS, it's snowing at the cabin...I wish I could plan my trips to coincide with the weather...I sure wish I was there right now experiencing the blustery winter weather...I'm happy to be where I am, but come on, could I just figure out a bit of long term weather prediction???  Someone help me know how...!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Just what I needed at the end of a snowy day.. Beautiful photos.. I can hardly wait until spring..

  2. I'm glad Susie, sometimes pictures can take us to the places we want to be right now, like instant gratification! And thanks:)

  3. They were really good Margy!


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