Friday, March 15, 2013

A Visit With Jaycee

Our day has been busy, planning projects including the garden and some "yard area" improvements (I say yard area because it includes the woods and under the deck, more to come about both of these projects)

But we were pleasantly interrupted by Jaycee, (our neighbor Charlie & Andrea's granddaughter), who treated us with her big smile, twinkling eyes, and entertaining conversation.  This is Jaycee.

Earlier today, when I was walking to the mailbox, she and her mother Michelle were riding on their ATV from the direction of the mailbox.  They stopped next to me as I was walking down the mountain.  Jaycee had her usual big smile and excitedly got off the ATV to get our mail from their basket and proudly handed it to me.  She was very pleased to have delivered our mail!

Later, as Johny and I sat on the porch swing, she came running down the road and eventually our driveway, coming on the porch and giving me a big hug.  You see, she is leaving tomorrow, and decided to visit a bit.  She makes me laugh...she's funny and smart and perceptive.  We talked about a lot of things.  One of her favorite foods is cheddar ruffles!  At one point, Johny offered her chocolate...what child would refuse chocolate even though it was dinner she marveled her second piece, she said "this looks like a flower", so here it is...

Though Charlie came to pick her up on his ATV, she stayed a bit longer swinging with us on the swing.  When it was time for her to head back, she skipped along the driveway turning back to wave every now and again.

I share all this because it was fun, but it also makes me want to have my grandson Liam come to visit like I've never felt before.  He hasn't been yet, but it's time.  There are so many things to explore...things that he has never seen before, moments to share at the creek, mountains to climb, trees to cut, fires to burn, mushrooms to hunt, birds to watch, people to meet...I can't wait to introduce him to it all.  And I know Johny feels the same way.

So Jaycee, thanks for your company and enthusiasm...and especially for sharing your excitement for our mountain.  And Liam, get ready for a road trip!!!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


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