Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Great Burger

It's been a busy day.  Filled with my usual daily river walk, miscellaneous errands and a planned meeting that took up a good bit of the afternoon.  It didn't leave much room for anything else, including making dinner.  So we headed to one of our all time favorite burger joints, Big League Eatery.  This place has the best burgers and fries, their onion rings are awesome, (I know, not figure friendly, but I tell you their food is awesome) it's a cozy atmosphere and the staff are super friendly.  It's the kind of place that when we decide we are going there, we look forward to it the entire day...I think all that anticipation is one of the things that makes the burgers taste so great...and it's the perfect end to a busy day.

Most of you will never be here in town to be able to enjoy the Big League experience, so I thought I'd share ours with you...

First, the crew...and donchaknow I forgot to get all their names...knowledgeable, friendly, courteous, and fun!

While waiting for our food, we met some people sitting near us; please let me introduce you to Lucille (on the left) and Diann...Lucille is a true, blue Hatfield & McCoy descendant, she has both Hatfield AND McCoy blood in her veins!  Both ladies were a pleasure to talk with...I just wish we had more time to gab!

On to the food of the evening, here are our onion rings, with a delightfully zingy sauce that has just the right bite to it...good bad food!
Here is Johny's burger, the Mile High can see how it gets it's name...the bread is grilled cheese sandwiches...
 ...and here he is trying to get his first bite...not an easy task, even for the most practiced burger eater!

I had the Upper Deck, with portobella mushroom, swiss cheese and grilled onions...yum!

Of course, we took half of everything home.  We are good about eating leftovers!  Nothing like not having to cook for another meal:)

If you are ever in central east coast of Florida, and want a good burger, visit Big League Eatery, I think you will be happy you did...oh, and the cost?  Completely reasonable!

PS...for the record, this is not a sponsored post, just a post from a fan!

PSS...yesterday, I forgot to mention that I met my friends Ernestine and Suzanne for lunch, and we had a wonderful time, chatting away about this and that.  One of the things I like most about coming back to the river is seeing all my friends again!  Thanks Ernie & Suzanne, it was great seeing you and I'll see you again soon!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Don't think I could wrap my mouth around that mile high burger to even get a bite, but I do love burgers, and I do love grilled cheese sandwiches, so I would give it my best try. - Margy

  2. I am just stuffed looking at Johny's burger!

  3. It's a big one, no doubt about that! He did end up with leftovers!!!

  4. I like a quarter pound there one of those? Hugs!


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